Jul 17, 2009

“Tenemos que seguir gastando para evitar la quiebra”

Hasta hace poco pensaba que Biden, el vice de Obama, era un señor mayor bastante gagá que decía cualquier cosa cada vez que abría la boca. Ahora me pregunto si en realidad sus declaraciones no representan el “mainstream” del Partido Demócrata:

Vice President Joe Biden told people attending an AARP town hall meeting that unless the Democrat-supported health care plan becomes law the nation will go bankrupt and that the only way to avoid that fate is for the government to spend more money.


  1. We could go on, and we will in coming days. But the most remarkable quality of this health-care exercise is its reckless disregard for economic and fiscal reality. With the economy still far from a healthy recovery, and the federal fisc already nearly $2 trillion in deficit, Democrats want to ram through one of the greatest raids on private income and business in American history. The world is looking on, agog, and wondering why the United States seems intent on jumping off this cliff.

    Del Wall Street Journal de hoy...


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