Aug 12, 2009

Socialismo salvaje

Más de las historias de horror sobre el maravilloso sistema de salud socializado de Canadá, que privilegia la solidaridad sobre el lucro, que nunca faltan en toda reunión social por acá.

Esta vez de Columbia Británica, que parece que disfruta de un estado niñera peor que Québec:

So, what do all those taxes buy you, in the form of health care? Well, let's talk about that kidney stone I had. If you've ever had one, you know immediately why I went to the emergency room. As it turns out, growing up in Florida, and as a member of my particular family, means I'm predisposed to more. Looking forward to that. Anyway, this one was my first one, and it hurt worse than anything had ever hurt. I didn't see a doctor at the ER, but the nurse (or PA - I don't know for sure) was able to give me some Darvocet, and a prescription for more. I also got an appointment with a urologist for the following week, which was a fast-track exception, because I was a foreigner. A week later, still a bit dazed from a growing Darvocet habit, I got to see the guy, who was really nice, and was hoping to move to the US to practice, so he could make a decent living. He told me I'd probably pass the stone, and would simply need to take the Darvocet until I did. If, however, I didn't pass it in about a week, they'd have to think about breaking it up with ultrasound. I'd heard about this from my dad. Apparently, it's pretty quick, and totally painless -- the machine breaks up the stone into small bits with sound waves, and you pass the bits easily. Most US hospitals, and a lot of clinics, have a machine to do this. The only hitch? In all of BC, there's one machine. This is a place about 125% bigger than Texas. Vancouver is the third largest city in Canada. And there's one machine. It travels the province like a roving minstrel. It wasn't due back in Vancouver for 6 more weeks. I passed the stone two days later. Thank God.

(Gracias, Mike)

1 comment:

  1. buenasssssss...una pregunta sobre esto del health care reform, saben de algun website o blog creible adonde uno pueda ver pros y cons del tema? digo, leo criticas de principio (es del estado seguramente va a ser malo, con lo cual en principio tambien coincido), y por ahi tambien leo algunas cosas se critica algun aspecto puntual, pero no veo referencias a como es la cuestion hoy en dia, sin reforma. No se si tiendran alguna respuesta puntual, pero al menos, que websites recomiendan pa tener un poco mas de vision general y detallada del tema?

    chas gracias!


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