Aug 1, 2009

Salud y pesetas

Más sobre el sistema de salud, un tema que me resulta muy interesante.

Scott W. Atlas, un profesor de radiología y jefe de neuroradiología de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Stanford, explica 10 motivos por los que el sistema de cuidado de la salud de EEUU es mejor de lo que se supone.

No se lo pierdan:

1. Americans have better survival rates than Europeans for common cancers.

2. Americans have lower cancer mortality rates than Canadians.

3. Americans have better access to treatment for chronic diseases than patients in other developed countries.

4. Americans have better access to preventive cancer screening than Canadians.

5. Lower-income Americans are in better health than comparable Canadians.

6. Americans spend less time waiting for care than patients in Canada and the United Kingdom.

7. People in countries with more government control of health care are highly dissatisfied and believe reform is needed.

8. Americans are more satisfied with the care they receive than Canadians.

9. Americans have better access to important new technologies such as medical imaging than do patients in Canada or Britain.

10. Americans are responsible for the vast majority of all health care innovations.

1 comment:

  1. En el ámbito privado lograr ofrecer una nueva innovación, un nuevo tratamiento es una oportunidad.

    En el ambito estatal, una nueva innovación es un NUEVO GASTO.


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