Sep 12, 2009


Canadá, el paraíso libertario.

Yo insisto, los que creen que Canadá es un país rico porque es socialoide entienden las cosas al revés. Canadá se puede dar el lujo de la ineficiencia socialoide en muchas áreas porque es un país rico:

I work for a libertarian think tank, and libertarians are supposed to disdain the land of poutineand Dan Aykroyd for its socialist health-care system and general failure to really love liberty. Yet not only can you get gay-married in any of the provinces, or almost-legally toke up in your toque up there, but Canada’s economy is also slightly freer than that of the global hegemon to its south. According to the Cato Institute, at least.

But even more important to me is the conviction—a libertarian conviction, I believe—that crossing national borders ought to differ little from crossing the imagined line between Iowa and Minnesota. That’s really why I’m so keen about being Canadian. I want my own boundaries to widen, as I’d like everyone’s boundaries to widen. Also, I can now put the Canadian flag on my backpack.

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