Oct 27, 2009

Big In Japan

En el artículo citado por Luis en su post de Imagine, hay una línea que dejó una imagen grabada a fuego en mis retinas :

[...] And how about “Imagine all the people/Living for today?” Yeah, he’s put his finger on our problem – too many people planning ahead and preparing for the future. This is the kind of powerful, incisive reasoning that led a guy who could take his pick of pretty much any woman in the world to shack up with Yoko Ono. Let me put it another way for emphasis – this guy chose to see Yoko Ono naked. Many times. The only response to someone with that kind of judgment is to listen carefully to what he says and then do the exact opposite. [...]

Esto solo tiene una manera de arreglarse. Con ustedes, las promo girls de la Tokyo Motor Expo 2009.

Ok, ya pasó...


  1. Estas ponjas no eran las imágenes que guardaba en mi memoria. ¡Gracias por permitirme renovar el álbum!


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