Oct 17, 2009

Lo que faltaba

Argentina replaces South Africa at the head of UNESCO's MOST Programme:
The Minister of Social Development of Argentina, Alicia Kirchner, was elected on Saturday 17 October 2009, President of the Intergovernmental Council (IGC) of UNESCO's Management of Social Transformations (MOST) Programme. She replaces, in this position, Zola S. Skweyiya, Former Minister of Social Development of South Africa, who was President of the IGC from 2005 to 2009.
During an extraordinary session of the Intergovernmental Council of MOST, held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris (France), the composition of the MOST IGC Bureau consisting of six representatives from each region of the world for Vice-President and a new Rapporteur was renewed until 2013.

For the period 2009-2013, the MOST IGC Bureau will be composed of:
President: Argentina
Vice-President for Africa: Côte d'Ivoire
Vice-President for the Arab States: Lebanon
Vice-President for Asia and the Pacific: Malaysia
Vice-President for Europe and North America: Finland
Vice-President for Latin America and the Caribbean: Ecuador

Raquel Reznik


  1. ¡Qué bueno! La cuñada de la presidente y la hermana del ex-presidente.

    Todo queda en familia.

  2. Vuelvo con la pregunta de siempre, ¿para qué joraca sirven las Naciones Unidas?

  3. Yo creo en la teoría que dice que no existe Alicia Kirchner, sino que es Néstor con peluca.


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