Oct 28, 2009


Insisto, Dios nos libre y guarde de que alguna vez lleguen al poder los “cultistas” del global calenting. No nos los sacamos más de encima:

What possible price would warmists agree is just too high? Right now, greens want to spend trillions of dollars and export our manufacturing base to China and India in a foolish attempt to slightly ameliorate global warming. But it certainly seems that that's just the opening bid. If democracy is worth sacrificing, and dogs, cats, and unborn children are up for discussion, where is the line we will not cross?

What is the price we can all agree just isn't worth paying?

For eight years during the war on terror liberals routinely argued that if we made even the slightest changes to our lifestyles in response to a very real terror threat, "the terrorists will have won." But altering or outright chucking overboard the core of our liberties and lives to fight global warming is progressive, smart and right. I find that baffling. Greenpeace advises how to have eco-friendly sex. New children's books designed to terrify young'ns come out almost every week. Imagine the reaction if under George Bush someone had come out with children's books that hyped the Jihadi terrorist threat the way greens hype global warming. Will it take someone yelling "Soylent Green is people!" to understand we've gone too far?


  1. Yo pensaba que ya nos gobernaban, sino no se explica el protocolo de Kyoto.

  2. Eso va a ser un chiste si algún día llegan al poder.


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