Nov 28, 2009

El cuarto poder

Mark Steyn sobre el cajoneo que hace la “prensa seria” del escándalo de los datos del global calenting:

If anyone needs newspapers, it ought to be for stories like this. If there were no impending apocalypse, then "climate science" would be a relatively obscure field, as it was up to a generation ago. Now it produces celebrity scientists living high off the hog of billions in grants. They thus have a vested interest in maintaining the planet's-gonna-fry line. So what do the media do? Instead of exposing the thesis to rigorous journalistic examination, they stage fluffy green stunts, run soft-focus "living green" features with Hollywood "activists", and at a time of massive staff cutbacks in every other department create the positions of specialist "climate correspondent" and "environmental reporter" and fill them with sycophantic promoters of the Big Scare to the point that, as Dr Mann coos approvingly to The New York Times, "you've taken the words out of my mouth".

1 comment:

  1. Y sí, ya encontró una forma de mantenerse solo. Va a tomar tiempo y trabajo bajarlos.


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