El decano de la Facultad de Medicina de Harvard, muy caliente con la estatización del sistema de salud de EEUU.
Se los digo desde ya que es absolutamente al dope. Esta gente se puede desgañitar explicando estas cosas y la progresía va a seguir insistiendo con el proyecto de ley. Porque no tiene nada que ver con la salud del norteamericano de a pie:
In discussions with dozens of health-care leaders and economists, I find near unanimity of opinion that, whatever its shape, the final legislation that will emerge from Congress will markedly accelerate national health-care spending rather than restrain it. Likewise, nearly all agree that the legislation would do little or nothing to improve quality or change health-care's dysfunctional delivery system. The system we have now promotes fragmented care and makes it more difficult than it should be to assess outcomes and patient satisfaction. The true costs of health care are disguised, competition based on price and quality are almost impossible, and patients lose their ability to be the ultimate judges of value.
Worse, currently proposed federal legislation would undermine any potential for real innovation in insurance and the provision of care. It would do so by overregulating the health-care system in the service of special interests such as insurance companies, hospitals, professional organizations and pharmaceutical companies, rather than the patients who should be our primary concern.
destruir algo que funciona solo por un capricho.
ReplyDeleteellos van no a complementar, van directamente a destruir sin importar lo negativas que sean las consecuencias. Lo único que les importa es que sea a fin con el discursito progre.
ademas... esta reforma tiene un gran rechazo, más del 50%. No entiendo porque obama está tan apurado en sacarla.
se parece a un kirchnerito más.
increible a la decandencia que un solo presidente te puede llevar en tan solo unos meses.
Moebius, es una cuestión ideológica. No se le puede pedir racionalidad. No importa si no funciona, es lo que corresponde.