Nov 7, 2009

Estatismo salvaje

Si esto pasa en EEUU, ¿qué queda para el resto del mundo?

The federal government is a mess. Policymakers have no idea what the effects will be when they spend billions on scheme after scheme. Most of them don’t read the legislation, they don’t understand economics, and they never admit mistakes when their schemes almost inevitably fail. Fully 40 percent of the vast federal budget will be debt-fueled this year, but few policymakers seem to care. And public corruption seems never-ending.

Isn’t it time to give libertarianism a chance?

1 comment:

  1. Como te atrevés a realizar esa pregunta Luis?.
    No te das cuenta que eso del libertarianismo es para los idealistas loquitos?.
    Lo mejor siempre es el pragmatismo, que siempre implica la introminión del estado en la economía, y por ende, en la vida privada de los cuidadanos.


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