Nov 29, 2009

Lo que les espera

Las maravillas del sistema de salud nacionalizado de Inglaterra. Pacientes que mueren como moscas por el espantoso estado de mantenimiento de los hospitales. ¿Se imaginan el escándalo si se tratara de un sistema privado? Tendríamos a la progresía internacional a pleno denunciando los horrores de la medicina con fines de lucro.

Yo sigo sin entender. Cualquier ciudadano de a pie sabe perfectamente que el estado no es capaz de manejar con un mínimo de eficiencia ni un quiosco para entregar folletos de aduana en el hall central de un aeropuerto y sin embargo muchos de ellos consideran que transferir a un burócrata el poder de decidir nada menos que su salud es una idea excelente:

Another week, another hospital scandal. The story is beginning to be all too familiar: dozens of patients dying needlessly, in filthy conditions that would shame a Third World country.

It emerged on Thursday that inspectors making unannounced checks in October on Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust discovered a collection of horrors: blood spattered on floors and curtains, mattresses soaked with foul-smelling stains, contaminated equipment, a high rate of pressure sores among the elderly, long waiting times in the accident and emergency department and, worst of all, poor nursing care, with old people deprived of food, attention and dignity. As a result, about 70 people in the care of the Basildon and Thurrock trust may have died needlessly: its mortality rate is a third higher than the national average.

1 comment:

  1. "Thurrock University Hospital"
    Qué esperaban con semejante nombre????


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