Nov 9, 2009

Luche y vuelve

¿Por qué la tengo con los 20 años de la caída del Muro de Berlín? Porque me temo que hay millones de pajaritos que nacieron después del evento o eran muy chicos para acodarse que siguen rescatando las “bondades” del colectivismo.

Espero que este kia en el NYT tenga toda la razón:

Twenty years later, we still haven’t come to terms with the scope of our deliverance. Francis Fukuyama famously described the post-Communist era as “the end of history.” By this, he didn’t mean the end of events — wars and famines, financial panics and terrorist bombings. He meant the disappearance of any enduring, existential threat to liberal democracy and free-market capitalism.

This thesis has been much contested, but it holds up remarkably well. Even 9/11 didn’t undo the work of ’89. Osama bin Laden is no Hitler, and Islamism isn’t in the same league as the last century’s totalitarianisms. Marxism and fascism seduced the West’s elite; Islamic radicalism seduces men like the Fort Hood shooter. Our enemies resort to terrorism because they’re weak, and because we’re so astonishingly strong.

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