Dec 31, 2009

Cualquier semejanza con Argentina ...

... no es ninguna coincidencia. Michael Barone, citado en el WSJ :

It looks like a happy new year for you—if you're a public employee. . . .

Private-sector employment peaked at 115.8 million in December 2007, when the recession officially began. It was down to 108.5 million last November. That's a 6 percent decline.

Public-sector employment peaked at 22.6 million in August 2008. It fell a bit in 2009, then has rebounded back to 22.5 million in November. That's less than a 1 percent decline.

This is not an accident; it is the result of deliberate public policy. About one-third of the $787 billion stimulus package passed in February 2009 was directed at state and local governments, which have been facing declining revenues and are, mostly, required to balance their budgets.

The policy aim, Democrats say, was to maintain public services and aid. The political aim, although Democrats don't say so, was to maintain public-sector jobs—and the flow of union dues to the public employees unions that represent almost 40 percent of public-sector workers.

Those unions in turn have contributed generously to Democrats. Services Employee International Union head Andy Stern, the most frequent nongovernment visitor to the Obama White House, has boasted that his union steered $60 million to Democrats in the 2008 cycle. The total union contribution to Democrats has been estimated at $400 million.

In effect, some significant portion of the stimulus package can be regarded as taxpayer funding of the Democratic Party.

"Taxpayer funding of the Democratic Party" ... reemplazamos por "Justicialista" y la definición le cae como anillo al dedo a esta Tierra de PromisiónTM by Rahel

Dibujo encontrado en la web, crédito desconocido.

Obama es Perón, lo venimos diciendo desde hace rato. Y ya se ven los resultados. Solo falta que los gremios se unan en las Sixty-Two Organizations (conducidas por Lorenz Michael).


  1. Se acuerdan de la repulsiva canción que le hacían cantar a esos niños en la escuela? El video se subió aquí tambieén...

    Entonemos juntos esa linda canción... y feliz año nuevo!

    He said that all
    Must lend a hand
    To make this country
    Strong again

    mmm, mmm, mmm!


    mmm, mmm, mmm!

    La concha
    de tu hermana!

  2. A veces pienso que somos exagerados, que no puede ser que los demócratas actúen así. Pero los tipos se empeñan en darnos la razón.

  3. Guarda que capaz que USA toca fondo también...!

    Chapter One contrasts the choices made by leaders of Argentina and leaders of the USA. The two countries share many similarities and many natural advantages. Yet, the USA went on to become an economic powerhouse while Argentina became an economic basket case. While the author doesn't explicitly say so, you can look at the choices again and see how the USA later became an economic basket case (now with the highest tax burden in history and more debt piling on daily).

    Esa cita es de Mind Connection que opina sobre el libro False Economy de Alan Beattie. Según he leido, Beattie analiza los aciertos y errores historicos de los 2 paises y explica la situación actual de cada uno en base a esos aciertos/errores.

    Por lo que dicen en Mind Connection, el capítulo empieza cambiando los eventos del 2001: ataque terrorista al centro financiero mundial, o sea Buenos Aires, y gran caída económica en USA, con alto desempleo y cese del pago de la deuda pública, etc... (¿empezará así o yo leí mal?)

    ¡¡ Que ganas de leer el libro !!
    Emilio de EFINews


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