Dec 12, 2009

Muy interesante resumen en Cato de las cuestiones que se debaten sobre el cambio climático:

3. There is no fundamental disagreement among scientists, public figures and governments about the fact that the climate is changing. There is a broad consensus that climate changes occur constantly. The myth, created by climate alarmists, that their opponents deny climate change is sheer propaganda.

4. Current debate among climatologists, economists and public figures is not about the fact of climate change, but about other issues. In particular, disagreements exist on:
- Comparative levels of modern day temperatures (relative to the historically observed),
- The direction of climate change depending on the length of record,
- The extent of climate change,
- The rate of climate change,
- Causes of climate change,
- Forecasts of climate change,
- Consequences of climate change,
- The optimal strategy for human beings to respond to climate change.


  1. los estudios atmosféricos son bastante recientes, y no vas a encontrar mucha info detallada de 130 años para atrás.

  2. A no, pero si queres razonar no hay diversión.


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