Dec 4, 2009

Parece mentira que a pesar de contar con el apoyo de la corporación política, la prensa, la mayoría de las universidades y de los intelectuales, los ambientalistas no sean capaces de terminar de vender el tremendismo ambiental al norteamericano de a pie y tengan que apelar constantemente a fantasías autocráticas para tratar de imponer sus ideas.

Por supuesto, para los fundamentalistas ambientales se trata de una prueba más de que la gente es demasiado ignorante para saber lo que le conviene:

At bottom, the greens face three basic problems. First, by no means is the science of global warming “settled” — if anything, the fraud Climategate surfaced has settled that question. Second, even if global warming were a settled science, the contribution of human activity is anything but certain. And finally, most important, even if the answers to those two questions were clear, the costs — or benefits — of global warming are unknown, but the costs of the proposals promoted by the greens are astronomical.

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