Jan 27, 2010

Definitivamente se le dieron vuelta

Primero esto, y ahora Stephanopoulos que lo compara con...Reagan. Ya se le termina el rollo.


  1. Los medios se juegan mucho con Barack Hussein Obama (mmm, mmm, mmm). Su credibilidad también está en juego, y a juzgar por los comentarios, muy en serio no tomaron el artículo parece.

    "Reagan liked the USA."

    "This is what passes for journalist today?"

    "Ronald Regan? More like Ronald McDonald."

    "I knew Ronald Reagan, and you sir are no Ronald Reagan."

    Y mi preferido...
    "I am an Irish girl. I believe in reason & facts. When people lie to me I chalk it up to who they are, usually don't confront them ( because I have a terrible temper) but I NEVER believe them again. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barrack Obama and the Chicago gang have lied to me. I am tired of bills with names that sound harmless and have a major impact on the economy, our Constitution and the right of the American people to make their own decisions on how they live. I want term limits,because power corrupts . Give me liberty over health care reform and anything else this government wants to "give" to me to "make my life easier", I can take care of myself, just get out of my way."

  2. es como vivir en un país donde todos los programas periodísticos son como 678

  3. los izquierdistas terminan siempre defraudados, y eso es porque ellos creyeron en estupideces.


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