Jan 20, 2010


El maestro Thomas Sowell, para los que piensan que da igual republicanos o demócratas:

Admittedly, the Democrats have an easier case to make. It takes no great amount of thought, nor much in the way of persuasive powers, to sell the idea of government handing out benefits hither and yon. It is only when you stop and think about the consequences, for this generation and generations to come, that some grim questions arise.

But if Republicans don't raise those awkward questions, and don't take the trouble to explain what is wrong with government playing Santa Claus, then the Democrats can soar on a cloud of euphoria. Sometimes it doesn't matter that you have a better product, if your competitors have better salesmen.


  1. si me votan les prometo que van a vivir mejor sin ni siquiera tener que trabajar.

    votenme y verán que es posible!!!


    te aseguro que más de uno cae en la trampa

  2. Mucha gente quiere creer en la magia.


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