Feb 26, 2010


Aparentemente todavía hay políticos en EEUU que consideran que el país debe abandonar el NAFTA. Este comentario en Cato aplica perfectamente a la cantinela mercantilista – desarrollista de millones de argentos, incluido el 98% de la corporación política y la mayoría de los intelectuales, analistas, expertos, periodistas, empresarios y argentos de a pie:

Taylor blames the agreement with Canada and Mexico for the loss of 5 million manufacturing jobs since it was enacted in 1994. This is a popular but false charge. Manufacturing jobs have declined in the past 15 years for one big reason: soaring productivity.

Overall output at U.S. factories was actually 37 percent higher in 2009 compared to 1993, the year before NAFTA took effect, according to Table B-51 in the latest Economic Report of the President. We are producing a higher volume of stuff with fewer workers because individual workers are so much more productive than they were in the early 1990s.

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