Feb 1, 2010

Nancy Pelosi, in South American Way

Es desolador el nivel de bananerismo al que está llegando EEUU de la mano de la troika Obama-Pelosi-Reid. Pero con esto ya parece Argentina...

Pelosi's Children and Grandchildren Used Military Jets As Private Cross-Country Shuttle Service

Is it a legitimate use of military jets to transport the Speaker of the House and her favored Congressional coterie for routine travel? Even if you believe it is -- and, personally, I do not -- any rational taxpayer would admit that it is monumental waste of money. Military flights cost between $5,000 and $20,000 per hour to operate. The Speaker and her passengers routinely reimburse the Air Force $120 to $400 for each flight.

Since Nancy Pelosi took over as Speaker in 2006, she's rung up millions in military travel expenses to commute between San Francisco and Washington.

Worse still, she also appears to have requisitioned entire flights for the personal use of her children and grandchildren. That is, unaccompanied by any member of Congress, her kids, in-laws and grandchildren are utilizing entire military passenger jets for their routine travel needs.

Las masas, a sacarse los zapatos y someterse a examenes rectales. Para la elìte, viaje privado en aviones militares. Patético.

Más en lo de Malkin.

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