Mar 6, 2010

Avatar, un ensayo sobre

Ray Kurzweil, en Instapundit, con una interesante crítica de Avatar (ojo, con spoilers).

Este párrafo me parecio genial :

[...] In my view, there is indeed a crudeness to first-industrial-revolution technology. The technology that will emerge in the decades ahead will be altogether different. It will enhance the natural world while it transcends its limitations. Indeed, it is only through the powers of exponentially growing info, bio, and nano technologies that we will be able to overcome the problems created by first-industrial-revolution technologies such as fossil fuels. This idea of technology transcending natural limitations was entirely lost in Cameron’s vision. Technology was just something crude and immoral, something to be overcome, something that Nature does succeed in overcoming. [...]

1 comment:

  1. Esta muy bueno lo que dice, eso está pasando ahora mismo. El impacto ambiental actual de cualquier actividad es muchísimo menor que hace algunos años. Y en muchas hasta se recomponen ambientes deteriorados.

    El argumento de Cameron es infantil y contradictorio. Supongo que todo es un gran chiste.


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