Mar 27, 2010

El reino de la corrección política, el multiculturalismo y el fundamentalismo ambiental

De la sección “¿Qué pasa en Gran Bretaña?”. ¿Es el agua?

Blackminster Middle School in Evesham, Worcs, faced condemnation from parents after their children were left traumatised by the mock shooting.

The youngsters, aged between 10 and 13, thought they were taking part in a fire drill when an alarm bell rang and they were ushered out into the playground.

But they were left in terror as a man appeared brandishing a gun and appeared to shoot dead Richard Kent, their science teacher, as he ran across a field.

Following a loud bang simulating a gunshot, other staff involved in the act rushed to the teacher's aid and appeared to try to resuscitate him.

There was a delay of 10 minutes before weeping pupils were taken back to the assembly hall where teachers explained that the pretend shooting had been laid on as part of a science lesson.


  1. ¿Qué ciencia? ¿Pedagogía pervertida?

  2. Ahora, como 2da. parte de la lección de ciencia, van a tratar el tema del ausentismo en relación con los alumnos afectados de Stress PostTraumático. No?


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