Mar 26, 2010

Lectura recomendada

No se pierdan la parábola de la pantalla de satélite, de Doctor Zero.

Más claro, imposible:

Never accept permanent solutions that are nearly impossible to change, when simpler and more easily modified plans are available. It’s foolish to let the advocates of permanent programs dismiss flexible alternatives before they have been tried.

A proposal that requires you to ignore both the past and the future is a swindle, not a solution.

Free people do not accept restrictions from which their government is exempt. This is one of the differences between leaders and rulers.

A demand for commitment without a guarantee of performance is domination, not service.

Freedom requires the courage to avoid being stampeded. You should ask more questions about something you are told is an “essential right.” Sober reflection is a hallmark of maturity. A wise State would not require its citizens to act like children.

The State cannot give you anything worth having. You’ll eventually find yourself guilty of the crime of wanting more. As the State fails to live up to its promises, it will be increasingly tempted to convict you of that crime… in advance.

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