Apr 22, 2010

Para lelos

CBP sobre los paralelismos entre Argentina y los EEUU de Obama, de lo que hablábamos ayer:

I touched on this subject in a post last month, and return to it because creeping socialism (or American Peronism, if you will) is a very slippery slope with disastrous long-term consequences. I know Argentina and its history very well. In fact, I once had to take a high school equivalency exam that included a rigorous test and essay on Argentine history, and my first job as an analyst in 1981 was to prepare an extensive report on the outlook for Argentina. Additionally, I lived there four years in the late 1970s. My wife and I have countless friends and relatives that we have visited dozens of times over the years since. As much as I love the people, the food, and the wine, I detest the Argentine government for the unimaginable economic pain and suffering it has inflicted on its people. I've witnessed first-hand the destruction of Argentine living standards over the past 35 years.

I never thought I would see the day that counting the number of parallels between the U.S. and Argentina would require the fingers of two hands, much less just one.


  1. De hecho es el tema que me llevó a hacer el laburito en Doctor Zero. Los patrones de conducta se empiezan a parecer, pero ellos lo ven y lo describen, por eso me parece que la transmisión a esta nuestra realidad más adormecida sirve.

  2. Me preocupa, Max. Espero que tengan razón los que dicen que los norteamericanos son diferentes.

  3. Yo no tengo dudas de que sí. La sistematica de la decadencia es la misma, pero tenes mucho más librepensantes y con los principios básicos mucho más frescos en USA. yo creo que la constitución mental es distinta.


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