Apr 12, 2010

¿Se estará dando cuenta?

Obama dixit:

"The single biggest threat to U.S. security, both short-term, medium-term and long-term, would be the possibility of a terrorist organization obtaining a nuclear weapon," Obama said. "This is something that could change the security landscape in this country and around the world for years to come."

"If there was ever a detonation in New York City, or London, or Johannesburg, the ramifications economically, politically and from a security perspective would be devastating," the president said.

¿Se decidirá a dejar de hacerse la del mono con Irán?


  1. Entonces los terroristas existen???

    No había sido un plan orquestado por Bush y Cheney para robarse todo el petróleo?

  2. Y si piensa eso, ¿por qué obra como si esa amenaza no existiese?


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