May 15, 2010

Derecho a un trabajo digno

Muy interesante post en lo de Robert S. McCain. Son cosas muy simples, pero no le entran en la cabeza al argento promedio, con el seso osificado por años de adoctrinamiento colectivista.

[...] The job you got laid off from? You weren’t needed. That’s not necessarily your fault. Don’t wait around for your old company to re-hire you, and don’t cling to the idea that because you were a service technician in your old job that your next job will be as a service technician. Go find a new job — any job, in whatever field is available, even if it means moving halfway across the world – and you’ll be better off.

We have the RIGHT to this Personal Trainer job

Labor is just another product in the market. You are the supply, and your employer is the demand. Once you get that concept figured out, things make a lot more sense. For example, if you think you’re underpaid, quit your job. If you don’t immediately find a job somewhere else at higher pay, guess what? You weren’t underpaid.
Try that little thought-experiment next time you’re complaining about your job. In an economy with 10% unemployment, you can be replaced.


  1. Muy lindo , andá a decírselo a los del SArmiento, que pararon ayer en rechazo a la implementación de la tarjete SUBE...
    (y bue, es TELAM, pero en Clarín o La Nación no mencionaban el tema de la tarjeta)

  2. Luis, mientras nosotros seguimos en la nuestra, ¿Adiviná con qué país México empezaría negociaciones para un TLC? Sí, con...Brasil: .

    ¿El Mercosur? Como dice Pepe Mujica, "no sirve para un carajo".


  3. Avísenle a la Unión Europea

    Sí, justo ahora...


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