May 30, 2010

Más del Doctor Zero

Más claro echale ginebra Llave.

Insisto, si noviembre no se convierte en una paliza fenomenal, los pibes demócratas le van a meter para adelante cono si nada:

America was born a land of liberty and responsibility, where citizens would own both their time and ideas. Her government was obliged to focus on its duties in the present, rather than designing the future. The future is the exclusive property of free men, not the State. The government does not have the right to decide when freedom has failed, and should be discarded. Our Constitution was written as a shield for every American, strong enough to shatter all misguided dreams of social engineering and redistribution. Protected by that shield, we see “jobs” as acts of voluntary cooperation for mutual prosperity, not a limited resource to be doled out by the government. We look for opportunity from each other, not assignments from our ruling class. We will decide where to take our custom, how to invest our time, and when to turn away from a failed enterprise. We are not waiting for the State to fulfill our needs, or write our destiny.

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