May 30, 2010

“Queers Against Israeli Apartheid”

Definitivamente de la sección “la pucha que es lindo ser progre”. Como decimos nosotros los anglos sofisticados “beyond parody”:

Shock and horror. A group of anti-Israel types have been banned from marching in Toronto’s gay pride parade.

Of course, it’s absurd that they wanted to do so in that the only country in the Middle East that allows a gay parade is the only country in the Middle East to be singled out for condemnation in the largest homosexual gathering in Canada.

But this is an event where there is illegal public nudity and simulated sex, where men dress up as nuns and abuse the church and where morbidly obese lesbians pull other women around on chains. Surely it doesn’t matter very much if a gang of activists try to provoke mom and dad yet again by telling everybody how nasty the Jews are.

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