Jul 13, 2010

¿Será tan así como cree el Profesor Jacobson?

¿El Julio de EEUU, que la mayoría de los norteamericanos no quieren el corporativismo de Obama y los demócratas?

Tengo mis serias dudas, pero espero que tenga razón. No falta tanto para noviembre:

We are coming to the point at which Americans will have to choose sides. Will it be the bottom-up free enterprise model upon which this country was built, or the top-down command economy in which Washington, D.C. politicians and government employees centrally plan the economy and our lives?

Whatever the imperfections of our economic system, Americans clearly do not want the alternative.

Democrats will pay the price politicially for kicking the nation when it was down, for using a crisis to force through what the American people did not want, and for insulting those who objected.

The Democratic death grip is about to be broken. Because we still have choices.

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