Aug 23, 2010

George Will, un maestro

"In the 'intifada' that began in 2000, Palestinian terrorism killed more than 1,000 Israelis. As a portion of U.S. population, that would be 42,000, approaching the toll of America's eight years in Vietnam. During the onslaught, which began 10 Septembers ago, Israeli parents sending two children to a school would put them on separate buses to decrease the chance that neither would return for dinner. Surely most Americans can imagine, even if their tone-deaf leaders cannot, how grating it is when those leaders lecture Israel on the need to take "risks for peace."

Leanlo todo, es cortito y muy claro.


  1. Primero, felicitaciones por los miles de mensajes.

    Es muy buena esta nota. Will escribió varias notas buenas en estas semanas.

    No son de Will, pero les dejo un par de notas más publicadas en Israpundit que son, por lo menos, interesantes.

    To Have Peace, Win Big

    Gaza Decision Correct – Five Years Later (Or is it?)

  2. Parece mentira, pero Israel es el único país que tiene que salir a justificar su derecho a defenderse, que no es otra cosa que su derecho a existir.


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