Oct 13, 2010

¿Será tan así?

Mete miedo:

The real Obama is a man shaped by experiences far different from those of most Americans; he is a much stranger, more determined, and exponentially more dangerous man than you’d ever imagined. He is not motivated by the civil rights struggles of African Americans in the 1960s—those battles leave him wholly untouched. He is not motivated by the socialist or Marxist propaganda that hypnotized a whole generation of wooly–minded academics and condescending liberals—those concepts also leave him cold.

What really motivates Barack Obama is an inherited rage—an often masked, but profound rage that comes from his African father; an anticolonialist rage against Western dominance, and most especially against the wealth and power of the very nation Barack Obama now leads. It is this rage that explains the previously inexplicable, and that gives us a startling look at what might lie ahead.

In The Roots of Obama’s Rage you’ll learn: Why Obama’s economic policies are actually designed to make America poorer compared to the rest of the world Why Obama will welcome a nuclear Iran Why Obama sees America as a rogue nation—worse than North Korea The real reason Obama banished a bust of Winston Churchill from the White House and ordered NASA to praise the scientific contributions of Muslims Why Obama would like to make America’s superpower status a thing of the past


  1. Es el momento propicio para el viejo y querido:

    Chocolate por la noticia!!!!

  2. En serio, no sabían quién era ANTES de 2008????!!!!

  3. Parece que recién se dan cuenta, Gastón. Que se jodan por pel*tudos. Espero que no sea demasiado tarde.

  4. Un mulato resentido...
    parece piquetero!

  5. Lo votaron porque era re cool tener un presidente "de color"...
    Ahora descubren que es un resentido porque es "de color"...
    Electorado lib-dem: gataflorismo puro

  6. Una cosa es la demo de preventa y otra muy distinta la implementación.


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