Oct 1, 2010

Vale la pena seguir explicándolo

Es increíble la cantidad de gente que vive convencida de que es exactamente al revés:

As I've said before, a tax cut is not a handout. It simply means government steals less. What progressives want to do is take money from some—by force—and spend it on others. It sounds less noble when plainly stated.

That's the moral side of the matter. There's a practical side, too. Taxes discourage wealth creation. That hurts everyone, the lower end of the income scale most of all. An economy that, through freedom, encourages the production of wealth raises the living standards of lower-income people as well as everyone else.

1 comment:

  1. Anónimo lo tuyo es una confesión, no hace falta que te adjetivemos te inmolás solo. Pedile a papi unos pesos para que te financie el debut sexual así te relajás un poco.


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