Feb 3, 2011

Más sobre Al Gore

(Viene de acá)

En Cato:

A scientific hypothesis that's essentially unfalsifiable -- cold corroborates "global warming," heat corroborates it, nothing really falsifies it -- is worse than useless. It's a scientific poseur, properly classified as a belief system, like religion. And the implication that there's an optimal earth temperature, or range of temperatures, or that global warming is destructive, not possibly beneficial, is just further evidence that there's more going on here than pure science.

Throw in beliefs about the human contributions to "global warming" and the policy recommendations that follow -- massive shifts toward wildly expensive command-and-control energy systems, the effect on the world's poor notwithstanding -- and the politics of the matter come into view.

Pero bueno, se sabe desde un principio que gran parte del atractivo de la teoría del global calenting por la acción humana radica en el hecho de que brinda un nuevo justificativo a los colectivistas de siempre. Antes era la lucha contra la “explotación capitalista”, ahora es la “salvación del planeta”.

1 comment:

  1. If you still think this stuff isn’t a scam…

    by AlexinCT
    Just understand how Obama’s boys create new rules willy-nilly, then exempt their corporate buddies. The Obama Admin EPA has just decided to go ahead and regulate CO2, without Congress or the Constitution giving it that right I should add, and this is all so they can pick the winners and losers in their new wealth transfer scheme. Of course, the big corporate partners that pay big cash to the right demcorats are as always - check out the list of exclusions for Obamacare for example - given a pass. These people are crooks of the highest order, nothing less. But don’t expect the usual suspects in the MSM that loves this scam and its end goal to ever report on it. Their faith is strong! And it advances that whole collectivist wealth transfer scheme they all believe will make the peasants & serfs happy in their shared misery.

    Posted by AlexinCT on 02/04/11 at 04:08 AM in Left Wing Idiocy Politics Law, & Economics Science and Technology The Press Machine • (0) Comments • (0) Trackbacks • Permalink • Discuss this in the forums



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