Jun 15, 2011

Leader of the Free World

La presidencia de Obama requiere un grado cada vez mayor de "suspension of disbelief".

Que este tipo de estupideces las digan en un centro de estudiantes, vaya y pase. Pero estamos hablando del Presidente de la mayor economía del mundo.

President Obama explained to NBC News that the reason companies aren't hiring is not because of his policies, it's because the economy is so automated. ... "There are some structural issues with our economy where a lot of businesses have learned to become much more efficient with a lot fewer workers. You see it when you go to a bank and you use an ATM, you don't go to a bank teller, or you go to the airport and you're using a kiosk instead of checking in at the gate."

Esto es Duhalde 100% full-full, que quieren que les diga. No usemos una retroexcavadora, mejor cavemos la zanja con 300 peones, cada uno con una cuchara, que es mucho mas digno.

No se pierdan este post de John Hayward (el Doctor Zero) :

As Rush Limbaugh observed, we had lots of ATMs during the Bush years, and his unemployment rate was half of Obama’s. Did the number of automated tellers and airline ticket machines double since 2008?

Besides groping for any possible excuse to evade responsibility for skyrocketing unemployment, Obama’s comments represent the convergence of two lines of populist liberal thought. One is the Left’s curious conviction that people absolutely hate ATM machines, based on the occasional round of complaints that fees for using the machines are too high. I suspect most people would be far more upset if automated tellers were not readily available – a distinct possibility, given legislative attempts to cap the amount of money banks can charge for debit card transactions. Price controls always come with a reduction in quality.

The other, much older, criticism Obama raises is the fear of productivity, which is part of the Left’s overall critique of capitalism. Machines are cheaper than people; businessmen want to reduce cost, and do not care about people; therefore, they can’t wait to automate and fire everyone in sight.

This betrays a deep misunderstanding of the power of productivity. Machines don’t really “replace” human employees. They make humans more productive. ATM machines allow banks to service their customers with many more convenient locations – a machine built into the wall of a grocery store, or located in a small booth, can provide easy access to funds for customers.

Leanlo todo. Y si a un pajarito hondeadoTM de Mundo Perverso se le hace la luz, mi misión aquí estará cumplida.


  1. Los resultados no concuerdan con las intenciones, el desconcierto es absoluto. Algo debe estar mal en la realidad, porque las políticas son las correctas.

  2. para estos izquierdistas cuanto más parecido a la edad media mejor.


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