Jul 8, 2011


De un comentarista en la nota, viene de acá:

The real issue is that the mindset of conservatism is a full 180 degrees from that of liberal-progressivism. Instead of measuring success by what policy or law was passed, conservatism measures success by what individual freedom or liberty has been preserved or regained--in short, what policies or laws have been averted or repealed so that personal liberty can be “conserved.” That does not mean we champion anarchy--there IS a role for government to play in our lives. But conservatives believe two fundamental things. First, that no government, regardless of how large or powerful it is, can ever protect each individual form the realities of the “winds of fortune.” And second, that history has always taught that the more government attempts to intrude into every facet of the lives of its citizens, even in the name of “good,” the worse those lives become--religiously, socially, politically, and economically. In that respect, any number of conservatives could easily point to numerous issues, from the boiler plate (the defunding of Planned Parenthood which #1 reestablishes a respect for each individual life thereby #2 reducing the size and scope of government fiscally thereby #3 allowing individuals more economic freedom from higher taxes) to the bipartisan (the welfare reform passed in the 90's under President Clinton which #1 returned more of the responsibility for an individual's actions to the individual thereby, as above, #2 reducing the government fiscally and thereby #3 increasing individual freedom economically) to the seemingly contradictory (the 2007 largely CONSERVATIVE opposition to conservative Texas Governor Rick Perry’s executive order mandating the HPV vaccine and the eventual reversal of that mandate by the Texas legislature which #1 retains essential personal decisions for parents and #2 reduces the size and scope of government in our lives), that a conservative considers successful. Thus, rather than pointing to laws & policies established, conservatives find more satisfaction in laws or policies modified or abolished to the benefit of personal, individual liberty.

(Gracias, Alberto)

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