Sep 12, 2011

Mob Like An Egyptian

La turba de la "hermosa primavera egipcia", la de los "jóvenes twitteando por la libertad", ahora ataca la embajada Israelí en El Cairo, ante la pasividad y tácito permiso de la nueva junta militar.
As part of their attack on Israel’s embassy, the demonstrators broke pieces from the nearby statue “Egypt’s Awakening.” The symbolism is perfect. Egypt’s Awakening is equated with killing the Jews, yet it is in fact Egypt’s Awakening being sacrificed in the obsessive, ultimately suicidal, hatred against Israel.

According to Raymond Stock, who pointed out the statue’s role in the assault, an apparent secular liberal, who said that he had participated personally in the action, remarked on Facebook that he was glad this iconic work of art could serve the cause. Israel, he said, is my enemy, while the Muslim Brotherhood is a piece of cake — i.e., no obstacle to a democratic future. Revenge and blind hatred overwhelm even supposedly cool-headed, hi-tech Facebook types.

Que puede salir mal ?


  1. Todo un tema. Vamos a ver cómo sigue la cosa.

  2. ¿De dónde sacan que porque usan Twitter son modernos?
    Hay que revisar la noción occidental de "Progreso"....


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