Oct 7, 2011

El estado en acción

En economía, meterse con los precios es la peor idea de todas:

Fix prices by government fiat by specifying a certain level of Medicare reimbursement (which also sets a benchmark for private insurers), and the reverse information flow is destroyed. Remove the ability to raise prices when demand exceeds supply and shortages will follow as sure as night follows day. Policies that keep prices too low for too long incentivize suppliers to exit the business. Consolidation follows, making the supply chain more prone to disruptions. And disruptions become more likely, as prices can’t rise to encourage survivors to invest in updating and maintaining their manufacturing systems.

If you want to see the future of our pharmaceutical industry operating under such a regime, look at some old photos of the South Bronx during the heyday of rent control.

1 comment:

  1. No me queda opinar pero si realmente ustedes tienen la razon entonces porque casi todos los paises de la OECD excepto USA han implementado politicas de medicina socializada

    Otro fenomeno que deberian explicar es porque en Japon, a pesar que existe price ceiling porque el kenko hoken no ha quebrado y no ocurrio lo que ustedes comentan

    Para terminar, en Australia por seguro privado yo pago al mes $120 y por ley la poliza no esta permitido de hacer un examen medico, los precios no varian de acuerdo a edad; en USA la misma poliza cuesta 4 veces mas, y encima el precio varia por edad, porque?

    Thanks God I have never lived in the USA


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