Oct 21, 2011

"Por qué no puedo tener trabajo en mi campo ?"

Why Can’t I Get A Job In My Field ?

La culpa es de Bush los banqueros el capitalismo inmisericorde. A tomar las calles y ocupar Wall Street !

En el diccionario Webster, bajo la definición de "self-inflicted", está la foto de esta "cosmetóloga".

Update : Comentario brillante por Matt :

[...] look at how's she's dressed and made up. If you were to tell her she should clean up her look, she'd get angry and tell you "she has to be herself" because her parents and teachers and college professors and whoever else told her that she was special little snowflake and that she shouldn't have to change for the world, the world should change for her. Most of these idiots occupying WAll Street are the same way - yes, you have an "education" but when your degree is in Lesbian Environmental Studies, you are wearing a T-shirt with a profanity on the front and have dreadlocks you haven't washed in two months, the odds of an investment banking firm hiring you is almost nill. Yes, you can be a special little snowflake and try to set yourself apart by shoving piercings in places they generally don't belong, getting ironic tatoos and screaming slogans, but don't be surprised when the only job you can get are the jobs Americans won't do.


  1. No entendés, Louis, tenés que dejar que decida qué quiere ser. Es de facho malo malo caca pis querer encuadrarlx en un género determinado.

  2. Para la publicidad de Cucatrap andaría bien.

  3. ¡Volvió Walking Dead!

    Don Freeman.

  4. Acá, se hace militante de cualquier causa, y trabajo en el INADI asegurado. Más rápido aún si está en La Cámpora.

  5. Mírenl@ bien...¡no se parece a Messi?

  6. ¡Qué jeta! ¿Tendrá permiso de portación de cara?

  7. Cosmetologa? Me estan jodiendo? Nah, es una camara oculta de Tinelli...


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