Dec 19, 2011

Evaluar por resultados

Si el colectivismo fuera una cuestión racional, hace rato que hubiera quedado descartado por ineficiente.

Al caso de Alemania Oriental vs. Alemania Occidental, agreguemos el de Corea del Norte vs. Corea del Sur:

North Korea became, as Eberstadt puts it, “the world’s first and only industrialized economy to lose the capacity to feed itself.”


At the moment, North Korea’s per capita income is less than 5 percent of the South’s. As the Atlantic Council’s Peter Beck puts it, “Each year the dollar value of South Korea’s GDP expansion equals the entire North Korean economy.”

Y lo que les espera a los surcoreanos si algún día se produce la unificación de la península:

West Germany had to spend about $1.9 trillion to assimilate East Germany after the fall of the Berlin Wall. And that was an objectively easier situation (East Germany’s per capita income, for instance, was one-third that of West Germany’s, not a measly 5 percent). Beck estimates that bringing North Korea up to just 80 percent of South Korean standards could cost $2 trillion to $5 trillion over 30 years — to put that in perspective, South Korea’s entire economy comes to about $1 trillion.

1 comment:

  1. Allá vaaamooos!!

    No saben si la ley antiterrorista puede llegar a censurar este blog y similares por "aterrorizar" (o algún bolazo así que pusieron en el proyecto de ley).


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