May 24, 2012

De Vido, en versión israelí

Estoy leyendo "Start-Up Nation" de Dan Senor, una recapitulacion histórica de cómo Israel llegó a ser la potencia innovadora de hoy (por supuesto, en 1948 le robaron el diseño de los Pentium a los palestinos).

En los 60's y 70's cuando la economía israelí se estancó, había un tipo enquistado en el gobierno... les va a resultar  familiar :
But this intense focus on development also produced a legacy of informal government meddling in the economy. The exploits of Pinchas Sapir were typical. During the 1960s and ’70s Sapir served at different times as minister of finance and minister of trade and industry. His style of management was so micro that Sapir established different foreign currency exchange rates for different factories—called the “100 exchange rate method”—and kept track of it all by jotting each rate down in a little black notebook. According to Moshe Sanbar, the first governor of the Bank of Israel, Sapir famously had two notebooks. “One of them was his own personal central bureau of statistics: He had people in every large factory reporting back to him on how much they sold, to whom, how much electricity was consumed, etc. And this is how he knew, well before official statistics were kept, how the economy was doing.”
El libro está muy interesante y viene en el práctico formato mobi, para el kindle de la dama o el caballero.


  1. Me anoto para su redistribución, old lady.

  2. Sería muy feo no compartirlo, Mike. Una caída muy grande en tu valoración por parte de los miembros del blog, mayor que el desbarranque de Facebook.

  3. Luis, el paquete saliò en el vuelo de ayer. Estoy esperando el trading que te propuse.

    DF, sale con fritas.

    1. Te lo mandé esta mañana al mail del blog, lo viste?


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