Jul 23, 2012

Para todos los pajaritos hondeados que nunca se enteraron

O que ya se olvidaron de los horrores del socialismo/comunismo o como quieran llamar al colectivismo de la ex Unión Soviética y sus satélites de Europa del Este y tratan de imponer el sistema como la solución para la escasez:

In 1977, the year I was born and the year my father, his mother, his aunt and many other Jews left the Soviet Union (my mother and I left in 1978), the Soviet propaganda machine began circulating a rumor. It went, roughly: life in America is so terrible that the old people eat cat food.

This was…perplexing.

People didn’t quite get it: they have food specifically made for cats in America? What a country!

A lot of things about America remained beyond their comprehension.

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