Dec 1, 2012

Las FF.AA. de Estados Unidos tenían un proyecto para detonar un misil nuclear en la Luna

La idea era intimidar a los rusos durante la "Guerra Fría". En fin.


  1. Si, interesante...
    El proyecto le trajo algunos problemas a Sagan luego.

    The existence of Project A119 remained largely secret until the mid-1990s, when writer Keay Davidson discovered the story while researching the life of Carl Sagan for a biography. Sagan's involvement with the project was apparent from his application for an academic scholarship at the University of California, Berkeley's Miller Institute in 1959. In the application, Sagan gave details of the project research, which Davidson felt constituted a violation of national security.[15][not in citation given] The leak consisted of Sagan revealing the titles of two classified papers from the A119 project—the 1958 paper Possible Contribution of Lunar Nuclear Weapons Detonations to the Solution of Some Problems in Planetary Astronomy, and the 1959 paper Radiological Contamination of the Moon by Nuclear Weapons Detonations.

    Project A119

    El Proyecto Horizon se veía más divertido ;)
    Dejame de joder, detonar minas Claymore en la Luna :D
    Project Horizon

    1. Y así es como la luna se fue de viaje en 1999.

    2. Es verdad, Cosmos 1999, una de mis series favoritas de chico.


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