Jan 7, 2013

Estas cosas me sacan de quicio

Ustedes no se dan una idea de la cantinela permanente que se escucha por acá en contra de los transgénicos y a favor de lo “orgánico”. Uno de los mayores pecadores a nivel mundial en ese sentido es Argentina.

Para mí se trata de la demostración más contundente de que la izquierda actual se ha convertido en poco más que una reacción a todo lo que tenga que ver con la modernidad y que los colectivistas aman entrañablemente a la humanidad - así, en abstracto - pero sienten una profunda y sincera repulsión por las personas de carne y hueso.

Baidewei, fíjense quién lo dice:

So where does this opposition come from? There seems to be a widespread assumption that modern technology equals more risk. Actually there are many very natural and organic ways to face illness and early death, as the debacle with Germany’s organic beansprouts proved in 2011. This was a public health catastrophe, with the same number of deaths and injuries as were caused by Chernobyl, because E.-coli probably from animal manure infected organic beansprout seeds imported from Egypt.

In total 53 people died and 3,500 suffered serious kidney failure. And why were these consumers choosing organic? Because they thought it was safer and healthier, and they were more scared of entirely trivial risks from highly-regulated chemical pesticides and fertilisers.

If you look at the situation without prejudice, much of the debate, both in terms of anti-biotech and organic, is simply based on the naturalistic fallacy – the belief that natural is good, and artificial is bad. This is a fallacy because there are plenty of entirely natural poisons and ways to die, as the relatives of those who died from E.-coli poisoning would tell you.

For organic, the naturalistic fallacy is elevated into the central guiding principle for an entire movement. This is irrational and we owe it to the Earth and to our children to do better.


  1. A couple of years ago, people in my area of California suffered illnesses from organic spinach, also from E Coli infections. Much of the spinach was recalled from stores. "Organic" fruits and vegetables are often damaged from insects and blight, look ugly and are actually unhealthy.

    1. Ah, but it is very chic and avant-garde, at least here in French North America.

    2. Unfortunately, stupidity is very chic and avant-garde these days! :)


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