Feb 10, 2006


Más de un tema que vengo tocando por acá y que creo es central: el sistema de salud. Esta vez sobre las HSAs (Health Savings Accounts) en los EEUU. Muy interesante. Como de costumbre, cuanto más libertad y responsabilidad se le da a las personas, más racionales serán las decisiones que han de tomar:

HSAs couple high-deductible health insurance with a tax-free savings account (the HSA) for out-of-pocket medical expenses. Individuals and/or employers can contribute money to HSAs tax-free up to the amount of the insurance deductible. HSAs must be coupled with insurance that has a deductible of at least $1,050 for individuals and $2,100 for families.

HSA funds may be withdrawn tax-free for any medical expenses. Once expenses reach the deductible, insurance takes over. Any funds that remain in the HSA roll over from year to year and grow tax-free.

Right off the bat, HSAs save money because high-deductible insurance is cheaper than low-deductible coverage. The Kaiser Family Foundation reports that the difference in premiums between the average HSA-compatible policy and the average for all types of insurance is $1,324. That is more than enough savings to cover the average annual HSA deductible ($1,901) in just two years. Sometimes, the savings covers the entire deductible in the first year.

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