Apr 28, 2006


Relacionado con el petróleo, Thomas Sowell explica las ventajas de asignar recursos mediante los precios. Aplica perfectamente a la Argentina 2006, de los controles de precios. Es muy triste, pero parece que todavía hace falta explicar estas cosas aún en países como EEUU:

One of the beauties of an economy coordinated by price movements is that nobody has to understand it in order for it to work.

If vast new iron ore deposits are discovered tomorrow in Timbuktu, 99 percent of the people on this planet may be wholly unaware of it -- and yet the prices of everything from paper clips to automobiles would begin to decline, from Singapore to Seattle. Moreover, people around the world would adjust their behavior in response to this event that they know nothing about.

Many people who were not sure about buying a new car might decide that they could now afford one at the new lower prices. People who were thinking of buying wooden desks could begin to reconsider, when they discovered that steel desks had become much cheaper than they expected.

In short, the whole world would adjust their economic behavior in response to a discovery that most people were wholly unaware of.

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