Apr 11, 2006

Somos todos inmigrantes

Más de Thomas Sowell sobre la inmigración. Como digo siempre, es admirable su sentido común y claridad, aún si no estamos de acuerdo con lo que dice. Creo que vale la pena leer su punto de vista sobre la diferencia que existe entre el libre comercio de commodities y la libre circulación de personas, y la diferencia entre la inmigración en el pasado y en la actualidad:

Some free-market advocates argue that the same principle which justifies free international trade in commodities should justify the free movement of people as well. But this ignores the fact that people have consequences that go far beyond the consequences of commodities.

Commodities are used up and vanish. People generate more people, who become a permanent and expanding part of the country's population and electorate.

Immigrants in past centuries came here to become Americans, not to remain foreigners, much less to proclaim the rights of their homelands to reclaim American soil, as some of the Mexican activist groups have done.

In the wars that this country fought, immigrant groups were among the most patriotic volunteers, earning the respect of American citizens on the battlefield with their blood and their lives.

Today, immigrant spokesmen promote grievances, not gratitude, much less patriotism. Moreover, many native-born Americans also promote a sense of separatism and grievance and, through "multi-culturalism," strive to keep immigrants foreign and disaffected.

1 comment:

  1. Esto creo que es lo más importante

    Unlike commodities, people in a welfare state have legal claims on other people's tax dollars and expensive services in schools and hospitals, not to mention the high cost of imprisoning many of them who commit crimes.


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