Jun 26, 2006


De Liberty Bell. Muy interesante entrevista a Melanie Phillips. Me quedo con esto:

What is your perspective of the alliance of the Left and radical Islamism?

It’s remarkable, to put it mildly, that the left – with its obsessions with issues like gay rights, equality for women and sexual licence – should have forged an alliance with radical Islamists who preach death to gays, the subjugation of women and the stoning of adulterers. It is an eye-opener to see, on the streets of London, so-called ‘progressives’ marching shoulder to shoulder with radical Islamists under the metaphorical banner of human rights and the literal banners of Hamas. Both the left and the radical Islamists have put aside their differences because they recognise the value of using each other in pursuit of their common objective, the destruction of western society.

In other, less topsy-turvy times, the rest of the country would have raised an eyebrow at such an alliance and at the noxious views it is spewing out, which in turn so closely reflect the views of neo-fascist groups and white supremacists: hatred of Israel, Judeophobic tropes about a global Jewish conspiracy that endangers the world, loathing of capitalism and America. But alas, such is the extent of Britain’s moral and cultural slide, and so poisonous has been the effect of the opposition to the war in Iraq, that far from being denounced such views are finding expression in mainstream society and public debate.

¿Se puede decir que gran parte de la izquierda actual en realidad no tiene valores ni principios propios y que es capaz de usar cualquier elemento ideológico si le resulta funcional a sus objetivos, fomentar el odio, el rencor, el resentimiento, el revanchismo y la envidia?

1 comment:

  1. De Gabo, un amigo que vive en EEUU:

    Muy interesante. Coincido con varios comentarios. ¿Cuales son los factores comunes al terrorismo? Asumí Israel y todo lo que lo rodea como una excusa, ¿qué te queda? ¿Ignorancia, manipulación? Seamos francos: todos tenemos algo que no nos gusta, una tienda donde siempre me tratan mal, pero no voy y pongo una bomba en el nombre del capitalismo. Aunque tal vez debería. Le voy a preguntar al Rabino.


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