Aug 19, 2006

Las reencarnaciones colectivistas

Activistas feministas en EEUU marchan en apoyo de organizaciones terroristas islámicas como Hezbollah. Sigo insistiendo con lo mismo, lo que verdaderamente une a mucha de esta gente no es su apoyo a tal o cual causa sino un profundo, visceral, inconmovible odio por todo lo relacionado a la modernidad y a Occidente. Es tan grande su resentimiento que ni siquiera se dan cuenta de que absolutamente todos los valores por lo que dicen luchar surgieron en Occidente a partir de la modernidad (visto en

The peace movement lost a foe in Reagan but has gone on to find new friends in today’s Stop the War movement. Women pushing their children in buggies bearing the familiar symbol of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament marched last weekend alongside banners proclaiming “We are all Hezbollah now” and Muslim extremists chanting “Oh Jew, the army of Muhammad will return.”

For Linda Grant, the novelist, who says that “feminism” is the one “ism” she has not given up on, it was a shocking sight: “What you’re seeing is an alliance of what used to be the far left with various Muslim groups and that poses real problems. Saturday’s march was not a peace march in the way that the Ban the Bomb marches were. Seeing young and old white women holding Hezbollah placards showed that it’s a very different anti-war movement to Greenham. Part of it feels the wrong side is winning.”

As a supporter of the peace movement in the 1980s, I could never have imagined that many of the same crowd I hung out with then would today be standing shoulder-to-shoulder with militantly anti-feminist Islamic fundamentalist groups, whose views on women make western patriarchy look like a Greenham peace picnic. Nor would I have predicted that today’s feminists would be so indulgent towards Iran, a theocratic nation where it is an act of resistance to show an inch or two of female hair beneath the veil and whose president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is not joking about his murderous intentions towards Israel and the Jews.

(Leer más)


  1. Es increíble. Pensar que en algunos de los países del profeta ni siquiera podrían sacar una licencia de conducir... Eso es tener el corazón lleno de odio (y la cabeza sin una idea coherente)

  2. Pensaba lo mismo que Ramiro... estas "doñas" hubieran sido apedreadas o degolladas de haber vivido en Afganistán (por ej) durante el régimen talibán...

    Cerebro vacío... corazón vacío... pobre gente!!!


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