Nov 14, 2006

Estados Unidos no tiene la voluntad política (bolas, en criollo) para frenar a Irán. Israel es mi última esperanza.


  1. Melanie Phillips escribe en un largo artículo:

    "Prime Minister Tony Blair, determined that before he leaves office he will pull off his dream of solving Israel/Palestine. Convinced that he has the ability to persuade anyone of anything, his initiative exemplifies the greatest liberal hubris of all: the conviction that every problem in the world is driven by rational interests and is thus capable of peaceful and harmonious resolution if only the most gifted impresario of rationality in the world – one T Blair — gets involved. This fundamental delusion is causing Blair, a friend of Israel and famously a supporter of America and doughty defender of the west against attack, to put Israel, America and the west in great peril by tripping down the primrose path of appeasement. As the BBC tells us:
    Tony Blair has told the US inquiry into future policy options that resolving the Israel-Palestinian conflict is crucial to the future of Iraq. He told the Iraq Study Group the biggest factor in getting support from moderate Muslim countries was progress on Israel and Palestine…Resolving the conflict would stop moderate Muslims being stirred up and increase pressure on Iran and Syria to co-operate, Mr Blair told the group.

    But progress in the Israel/Palestine conflict depends on one thing and one thing alone: the Arabs deciding, after 58 years of trying to destroy Israel, that they will accept its existence. Progress on a Palestine state could have been made when such a state was first proposed in 1937; from 1948 to 1967 when the West Bank and Gaza were (illegally) occupied by Jordan and Egypt; in 2000, when more than 90 per cent of the disputed no-man’s land of the West Bank and Gaza was offered to the Palestinians. Instead at every juncture the response has been to refuse to build a Palestinian state and to try to destroy Israel instead. Israel gave up land, first in Sinai and then in Gaza, and got in return not peace but war. The half-century old attempt to destroy Israel is becoming more deadly by the day, as Israel is trapped between Hamastan and Hezbollahland, with Iran and Syria pulling the Palestinian strings and with the Arab world gaining fresh heart in pursuit of its long-term annihilatory fantasy by the perceived weakness and vacillation of America and Britain.

    Blair es un hombre valiente que contrariamente a la mayoría de los líderes políticos europeos desde un principio fue consciente de donde estaba el problema y quienes eran los enemigos. Desgraciadamente está desgastado y tiene un partido apaciguador y antiisraelí. Los conservadores (conservadores al estilo británico a los que Mrs. Thatcher calificaría como "wets"), por su parte, hacen todo lo que esté a su alcance para debilitar a Blair; hasta parecen alegrarse cuando las cosas andan mal en Irak y Afganistán. Por todo ello, Blair entró por la variante "moderada" de pedir la incorporación de Irán y Siria al proceso de paz en Medio Oriente, idea descabellada en un hombre de su inteligencia.


  2. Gracias, Carlos, muy interesante, ¿cómo es el nombre del artículo?

  3. Louis:
    El artículo se llama "The war within the west (3)" y está en www.melaniephillips,com con fecha 14 de noviembre.
    Cordial saludo.Carlos


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