Nov 14, 2006

Bye bye Deutschland

Muy relacionado con este post de hace unos meses, hoy veo esta noticia sobre los miles de alemanes que deciden irse del país por la falta de oportunidades. Alemania se está convirtiendo en un exportador neto de población.

Por otro lado, ¡qué grande!, la gente se escapa de Alemania y hace cola para mudarse a la Argentina:

They are fed up, truly fed up. Fed up with the constant bickering over the costs of wage benefits, social reforms, elimination of subsidies, store closing hours and all the other symbols of a country stuck in bureaucratic and legislative gridlock.

They are tired of living in country where landing a job is like playing the lottery, a country where not even half of citizens live from gainful employment and a country in which even academics in their mid-40s are already considered problem cases when it comes to job placement. In other words, they are fed up with living in a country where all opportunities already seem to be taken: opportunities to succeed in one's career, to own property and to achieve prosperity.

1 comment:

  1. ¿se vienen para acá?
    Pobresitos de ellos...


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