Interesante análisis sobre la situación en latinoamerica en el WSJ de hoy.
Me encanta el candidato chavista en las elecciones ecuatorianas, Rafael Correa:
Early this fall, Rafael Correa, a telegenic university professor, leapt ahead of his rivals by wrapping himself closely with Venezuela's Mr. Chávez and vowing to dissolve Congress, redo the constitution and renegotiate the foreign debt. During rallies, he snapped his belt to show how he planned to lash the country's rich into submission to help the poor.
La solución a todos los problemas latinoamericanos: un Robin Hood subdesarrollado.
Pero después, uno lee esto:
"My positions on the constitution and other things are already well known, so it makes sense to now to talk about new issues. I haven't changed a thing," he (Correa) said as the SUV he campaigns in zipped between a 7 a.m. television interview and his children's French-language private school.
...y no entiende nada.
Como dice algún politicólogo contemporáneo: No aprendemos más.
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